Apache OFBiz (The Apache Open For Business Project) is an open source enterprise automation software project licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Check http://ofbiz.apache.org/ for details.

Walked across the web to find a tutorial or help in installing & configure OFBiz in Windows, but i was pretty difficult to find a better & small one, so i collected points from various locations and prepared a short one.

Lets see the steps involved,

1.Download and Install SVN, preferably TortoiseSVN(http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads) since its an open source. Also this step is optional, only continue this step if plans of storing versions is in plan.

2.Downloading and Install the Java Development Kit(JDK).
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html and check this or older versionshttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index-jdk5-jsp-142662.html

3.Add Environment variable->System variable ‘JAVA_HOME’ pointing to the location ‘Drive:\path_if_any\JDK_folder’.

4.Add\Edit ‘PATH’ variable from Environment variable->System variable lists ‘Drive:\path_if_any\JDK_folder\bin’. Use semicolon and then add if editing existing ‘PATH’ variable.

5.Download and Install ANT http://ant.apache.org/, add ANT_HOME in Environment variable->User variable pointing to ‘Drive:\path_if_any\ANT_folder’. Now add\edit ‘PATH’ variable from Environment variable->System variable lists ‘Drive:\path_if_any\ANT_folder\bin’. Use semicolon and then add if editing existing ‘PATH’ variable.
Open a command prompt and type “ant” , you should see it working now . In case of any failure try the below command and see the value for ANT_HOME,
c:\echo %ANT_HOME%

6. Download OFBiz from http://ofbiz.apache.org/download.html and copy it to your preferred folder. Assume D:\OfBiz.

7.Now open command prompt window (start > run > type ‘cmd’ and hit enter) & navigate to OFBiz directory, D:\OFBiz\. And Type ‘ant run-install’ and hit enter. We will see that ofbix auto installation and configuration is on the go & this will take some time.

8.After installation is complete we need to run OFBiz service for accessing our application. In the same command prompt type ‘startofbiz.bat’ and hit enter.

9. Now access OFBiz URL using http://localhost:8080/webtools or http://localhost:8443/webtools based on port availability.