This is like the second part of “must use resources for web developers from 2011”, not going to deep in to any of these, consider these as basic requirements or must learn if you are a web developer, it helped me a lot.

  1. Google Chrome and Developer Tools (Console, Network, Performance, Memory, Audits)
  2. Visual Studio Code – Best Editor ever, helped me for Python, ReactJS, Java, PHP, dotnet, pick any language it be at your service.
    1. Prettier
    2. Rest Client
    3. DotENV
    4. ESLint
    5. GitGraph
    6. OpenAPI Editor (Swagger)
  3. Fiddler tool – Capture Request, Response.
  4. Bootstrap – Best UI library for all platforms, i am using from very long time for my projects.
  5. Materialize UI from Google
  6. NodeJS – you will love knowing this !!
  7. Axios – for API calls.
  8. ReactJS or AngularJS framework, you must know one of these for sure.
    1. NextJS – Next level CMS using React framework.
    2. Nx Extension Dev tools for React and Angular.
    3. Storybook – Opensource UI framework for developing UI tools separately.
  9. ExpressJS – Web framework for NodeJS
  10. Redux very strong framework for State management, especially for complex applications.
    1. Chrome Extension for Redux
  11. Postman, InSomnia – API call, integration & test tool.
  12. Git for repository, use Github or Microsoft.
  13. Docker for containerization, will help to setup develop environment with zero installation. Same can be used for deployment, but thats not the reason i added this here, i added this here so that you can prepare your container for any application, say it PHP, Python, NodeJS, with out installation use a container as your development environment.


Rafeeq – Web Architect –

Please feel free to leave a comment if you think this post was helpful to you or you want to share your views or tools/techs which might be useful for others. i would definitely have a look for sure.