Listed are Web tools that will make every web developer and programmers life easier and better.

1. FireBug – Very Useful, works like a Developing Environment on firefox browser.Its plugin for firefox.

2. YSlow– Very Useful, can analyze your application performance and improve it various ways. Its plugin for firefox.

3. Google PageSpeed – Very Useful, can analyze application performance.Its plugin for firefox.

4. HTTPWatch – Useful for Internet Exporer users, works almost like firebug.

5. IE Developer Tool – Useful for Internet Explorer users, works almost like firebug.

6. Googe Analytics – VeryUseful, Captures and Tracks User finger prints on our site.

7. Google WebMasters – VeryUseful,  Analytics is one section from WebMasters. Really Useful tool for Advanced Web Admins.

8. JQuery, Mootools,YUI, Prototype – Javascript Frameworks, these will make your life far better than ordinary.

9. YSmushIT – Useful, Image Compressor, Can reduce your image size with out losing much quality.

10. WireShark – Network Users, Captures data transfer from server to clients.

11. Microsoft Network Monitor – Network Users, Captures data transfer from server to clients.

If you think that there are more tools to be explored and added here. please do comment.